Well . . . . let's just say I never should have done the happy dance . . . not yet anyways. It just wasn't piecing together right. Since I work in a library, I thought it would be a good idea to read the directions a little better.
I almost had a melt down . . . after the paragraph telling me how many squares to make . . . is a paragraph about large triangles. Large triangles???
It seems that I also need 4 large triangles . . . made by sewing two triangles together. I also need 4 'loose' triangles for the corners. I also need 2 triangles to sew to the modified triangles I made for the left and right neck edges.
After I moaned out loud "You've got to be kidding me" . . . I sat down to start making . . . yes, MORE TRIANGLES.
So I made . . . yes . . . more triangles . . . and turned them into large triangles . . . and I blocked them. Then I started to lay them out according to the schematic . . . again.
At this point I began to think that perhaps I was missing a few brain cells. I even went on Ravelry and looked up the pattern again hoping that someone else made it that had more brain cells than me . . . and there would be a 'oh, that's how you do it' epiphany. There wasn't.

No matter what I did, I didn't seem to have enough triangles. See the triangle 'holes' on the right edge and again on the left edge? Hmm . . . it's the exact size as one of the large triangles. But the pattern said to make 2 for the back . . . which I did . . . but they are up at the top of the neck.
It now seemed time to try and use the few brain cells I have, so I got out pen, paper and a calculator . . . and I totaled up how many triangles I've made. I'm suppose to make 78 . . . I have made 74. Using the detective skills I've acquired through watching many episodes of Law and Order and Blue Bloods . . . I realize there is a mistake/misprint in the pattern. If I make 4 more triangles and turn them into 2 large triangles . . . which will precisely fit into the two holes on the side . . . I will have 4 large triangles for the back - not 2 called for in the pattern - and a total of 78 triangles . . . which the pattern calls for. That's a lot of thinking and math for me.
Okay . . . 4 more triangles. I am SO tired of triangles.
If my husband suggests a trip to Bermuda . . . I may go screaming from the room . . . . . I'm sure we'd end up in . . . you guessed it . . .
Until next time, keep your nose in a book or your fingers in fiber.