I decided it was time to clean out the hand-knits in my closet. I reached in and pulled out the two closest piles. (Yes, I am a little embarrassed to admit that there is more. Much more.)

Again, another vest I hardly ever wear anymore. But this was my first feeble attempt at weaving something wearable. Pat, from the Monday Night Knitting Group, invited me to her home and gave me a little weaving lesson. She was so patient with me . . . and I thought it was so generous of her to give up her morning for me. I think there may have been coffee and muffins involved. I better keep this vest too.

Another weekend my husband and I went to a West Point football game. On the way out we stopped in Northampton. We walked all around the town . . . had coffee at a little sidewalk cafe . . . and of course went into WEBS. While I was shopping I picked up the yarn for this top.
Should I keep going? I guess that's why my closet is filled with sweaters that I hardly ever wear. Maybe they aren't really sweaters. Maybe they are just physical reminders of past good times. Memories that are interwoven with cotton and linen, wool and mohair, and the sweet passage of time.
Until next time, keep your nose in a book or your fingers in fiber.