Since my mother is a sock-knitting-machine, I seem to have a never ending supply of socks . . . so of course I stopped knitting them. I moved on to mittens and finger-less gloves. It seems when I finish a pair . . . some fit great, some fit so-so, and some just did not fit. I would check my gauge and check the yarn weight and in the end I would just give away the ones that didn't fit.

Kate Atherley provides directions for stretchy cast-ons, different thumb types, felting, linings . . . and strategies for warmth! There are patterns for just a plain basic mitten, two-color mittens, thrummed mittens, cabled mittens - you name it and she has a pattern in there for you!
It's a great book to check out of your library . . . but if you are going to knit a few pairs of mittens . . . buy it. It's a must-have for your personal library.
click here to place a hold
Until next time, keep your nose in a book or your fingers in fiber.