Joy was in the holiday spirit . . . and not just in name!! She is making tree ornaments . . . literally! Look at these cute things. By the end of the night she had little balls sewn onto it.
Speaking of ornaments, Peggy
gifted us each with a
'sweater' . . . complete with a little clothes hangar.
Peggy is also on the cutting edge. Yesterday I was browsing (also known as wasting about an hour) through Pinterest and noticed a lot of Pins of 'pony tail' hats. Some had the opening at the top (also known as a 'bun' hat), and some had the hole in the back. Peggy of course already had one knitted up!!
Lizzy brought . . . okay, did you notice that it doesn't involve yarn? They were delicious! As she started to explain the recipe, she told us it was in the Barefoot in Paris cookbook. Of course I ran up to our non-fiction section and grabbed it!
They are called Elephant Ears, or Palmiers. I like Palmiers much better than Elephant Ears.
Linda brought in her finished 'Football Season' scarf . . . with a matching Patriot's hat. What lucky grandkids!!
Linda is also working on her Christmas Gifts. Check out what she is working on. She was worried about her gauge . . . but I told her if it came out too big . . . well, just get a bigger wine glass to put in it!
I am told the pattern is available on Ravelry.
It was a wonderful night of knitting . . . coffee . . . cookies . . . and Palmiers. (See, doesn't that sound better than Elephant Ears?)
I recommend them. Go ahead . . . check out the book, make them, and tell me I'm wrong. I don't think you can.